Wednesday, 11 June 2008

June 08

Heyford Fields Marina is officially opened by a Radio 2 presentor, boat owners and V.I.P.s were invited to a hog roast,drinks and music by a duo.


Nb Yarwood said...

Who was it from Radio 2 that opened the marina?
NB Caxton

Andy Lawrence said...

Apparently he is a late night/early morning presenter and has stood in for Terry Wogan. I will try and find out his name

Andy Lawrence said...

Apparently it was Alex Lester

Nb Yarwood said...

Hi Andy
Alex Lester has a narrowboat, The Black Pig, based in Brum somewhere, where he stays during the week whilst broadcastig from Pebble Mill. That perhaps explains why he opened the Marina.
Nb. Caxton