Friday 30 August 2024

As a prelude to the Brinklow Bash is an open mic. night which Craig has joined us for.

Thursday 29 August 2024

Made it back to a very breezy marina.

Last night we moored at Bridge 5 which means the sun is setting on our trip.


Tuesday 27 August 2024

After getting up and washing two thirds of the boat we set off to tackle the eleven locks in front of us, but because of the number of boats in front of us which meant we had to empty and refill locks add a couple of single handed boaters coming down made it feel like sixteen locks.

Sunday 25 August 2024

Today we left Peels Wharf mooring up at lock 11 at Atherstone, we had to pass through the Boat Festival having sqeeze between moored boats and the boat and butty that we followed the other day.

Saturday 24 August 2024

Pictures show the work of the working boats but we came across another tree that someone had trimmed some branches but think it may have slipped further as we just scraped under it.
If this one slips into the canal it will need the professionals.

This the action to remove the fallen trees by the working boats heading towards the Alvecote Marina boat festival.

Friday 23 August 2024

Just before we set off this morning this pair passed us so we sat down and had a coffee to let them go ahead as the first was towing the second with several feet in between.
We caught up with them just before Hopwas so after travelling in tick over for what seemed ages we reached Hopwas to be told that two trees were down blocking the canal, so we moored up and was told boaters had cut the trees to open up the canal.

Thursday 22 August 2024

Ruby was not keen on the long cruise today but we made it up to her by giving her a birthday present.

Had a late start today because of the rain and wind, we then got held up at Fradley Locks as a broken down boat was pulled through two of the locks.
We then travelled on to get passed bridge 83 as they are preparing to to put scaffold up.

Wednesday 21 August 2024

We got notification that Bridge 83 has been made safe so after taking on supplies at Rugeley and travelling through Armitage Tunnel we are moored in Handsacre.


Monday 19 August 2024

We left Stone today and travelled to Great Haywood on the way we got the notice that the Coventry Canal has been closed because of a vehicle strike on a bridge.

Sunday 18 August 2024

Today we visited Shugborough Estate followed by an Italian meal back in Stone.

Yesterday Jackie and Nick arrived and last night we had a Thai meal.

Friday 16 August 2024

We have reached Stone to meet Nick and Jackie over the weekend.